Irish Life Multi Asset Portfolios (MAPS)
Keeping you updated on Irish Life MAPS®, which recently turned 10, and supporting your client conversations with a range of practical supports.

MAPS at 10
Michael Hayes, Head of Investment Sales and Darragh O'Dowd, ILIM's Head of Multi-Asset Solutions, talk through the evolution of the MAPS range over the past decade; the enhancements and new strategies employed as well as some of the key milestones.
MAPS under the microscope
We look in more detail about how MAPS has evolved since launch, how volatility is managed and how ESG criteria are integrated within the range.
MAPS evolution over the decade
Since 2013, the strategic and tactical asset class allocations have evolved to ensure MAPS continues to represent the best of our thinking and capability in order to achieve its long-term risk and performance objectives.
A closer look at how MAPS manages volatility
To mitigate volatility, MAPS employs broad diversification - not only across asset classes but within each asset class. We look under the bonnet at the different methods used to achieved that.
How MAPS integrates ESG criteria within the range
In 2021, MAPS achieved Article 8 status under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). We examine how ESG criteria are considered within the range.
The range of Multi Asset Portfolio (MAPS) funds
Irish Life MAPS is a range of risk-rated, multi-asset funds available across our investment, pension and savings plans and managed by Irish Life Investment Managers (ILIM). There are five funds to choose from, each with a different mix of assets, including, shares, bonds, property cash and alternatives all representing different levels of risk and return, meaning there should be a fund to meet your clients’ needs.
MAPS' objective is to manage the customer journey giving customers the confidence to stay invested especially when markets are volatile and delivering smoother returns within a risk-managed framework.
MAPs 2
This is a lower risk fund for careful investors, which aims to have a small allocation to higher risk assets such as shares and property.
MAPs 3
This is a lower to medium risk fund for conservative investors, which aims to have a significant proportion invested in cash and bonds and a lower allocation to higher risk assets such as shares and property.
MAPs 4
This is a medium risk fund for balanced investors, which aims to have a moderate allocation to higher risk assets such as shares and property.
MAPs 5
This is a medium to high risk fund for experienced investors, which aims to have a relatively high allocation to higher risk assets such as shares and property.
MAPs 6
This is a high risk fund for adventurous and very adventurous investors, which aims to have a high allocation to higher risk assets such as shares and property.

MAPs supports
Invest with confidence: this short video outlines the benefits of diversification for your clients.
Invest with confidence
MAPs - staying invested.
This client-oriented video explains the proven benefits of taking a long-term view and staying invested.
MAPs - staying invested