National advertising campaigns
From 13th February you’ll see our Responsible Pensions and Actual Trusted Advice national advertising campaigns on TV, radio, online and on socials.
Responsible Pensions
Our new Responsible Pensions advert supports new business and top-ups. Once people make the connection that they can influence the way their pension can help the planet they become much more interested and invested. People will act if they find out their pension is not being managed responsibly. Over HALF (53%) of people said they would speak to a financial broker or advisor to switch their pension to one managed in a responsible way, with one in five claiming they would switch pension provider if they funds that are managed responsibly were unavailable.
Actual, Trusted Advice
We are programmed to do certain things with our money without question, because the advice passed down to us for generations has been the same. What do you do when you come into money? Most people just keep it in the bank, but new information is challenging what many believed was true. In turn, we are inviting people to embrace this change through investments with Irish Life by or speaking to a financial broker or advisor.