Setanta Active Multi-Asset funds
A new range of multi-asset funds, with ESG integration

Why recommend Setanta Active Multi-Asset funds?
Active value
Setanta employs a clear and consistent investment philosophy. Its approach is research-driven, providing differentiated portfolios. Its value focus and long-term approach differentiates Setanta from its peers.
Broad diversification
The funds in the Setanta Active Multi-Asset range are diversified across a wide range of growth and defensive assets across a range of global sectors, including equities, bonds, property and alternatives.
Value and ESG considerations
SAMA funds are available at Irish Life's standard annual management charge. Setanta integrates ESG factors into its research process and SAMA funds are designated "Article 8" under SFDR.

These weightings are indicative. Please check the most recent factsheet for current allocations.
Quarterly report
The latest Setanta Active Multi-Asset funds update.

SAMA funds customer guide
The Setanta Multi-Asset fund range comprises three actively managed portfolios that hold a combination of equities, bonds, property, cash and alternatives. Each fund has a different risk and return profile, from SAMA 3 to SAMA 5.
The Setanta Active Multi-Asset funds guide answers the following questions, providing key detail and conversation starters on:
- What is the SAMA fund range?
- Why invest in the SAMA funds?
- Why choose Setanta?
Setanta Active Multi-Asset funds video
Videos are a great way to engage with your clients. This short video covers the key reasons to invest in the Setanta Active Multi-Asset funds to start your client conversations.