For Setanta, value is more than a number

Setanta hot air balloon
image of a country lane with sunlight

About Setanta Asset Management

Setanta Asset Management Limited is a boutique asset management business within the Great-West Lifeco group of companies. Its focus is on providing clients with active asset management services, built on long-term value investing principles.

The Setanta investment approach is straightforward. Portfolios are invested in good quality businesses that are durable, financed conservatively, run by trustworthy management with a shareholder focus and under-appreciated by investors at large for one reason or other. Setanta protects its clients with sensible diversification, a healthy dose of scepticism, and a margin of safety ‘buffer’ embedded in its valuation work. 

Diligent and patient investors, Setanta undertakes thorough investment research, developing a deep understanding of its portfolio companies and always with a long-term perspective.


Setanta and Irish Life

Since our partnership began in 2013, Irish Life has added to the range of Setanta funds available to you and your clients. The current range comprises:

  • Setanta Global Equity Fund
  • Setanta Equity Dividend Fund
  • Setanta Managed Fund
  • Setanta Income Opportunities Fund
  • Setanta Balanced Dividend Fund
  • Setanta Active Multi-Asset (SAMA) Funds

Setanta funds available through Irish Life

Setanta Active Multi-Asset fund (SAMA) range

The SAMA fund range is made up of three actively managed portfolios that hold a combination of equities, bonds, property, cash, and alternatives.

The funds are managed in line with the following core principles – an asset mix that reflects the investment objectives, consistent decision making and broad diversification.

Each of the three SAMA funds has a different risk and return profile based on its differing exposures across asset classes. Each fund aims to grow your investment over the medium to long term by varying the exposure to growth assets.

Setanta Global Equity Fund

The Setanta Global Equity Fund is an actively managed portfolio which holds stock from around the world. The stocks are chosen after a detailed analysis by Setanta. Setanta choose these stocks as they believe they represent good value, have good business prospects over the long term and are conservatively financed.

Setanta Equity Dividend Fund

The Setanta Equity Dividend Fund is an actively managed portfolio of stocks from around the world which display good value, pay high and sustainable dividends, and have a strong balance sheet. The fund usually holds stocks which are expected to be held for about three to five years. While the fund does not target specific weightings in any region or sector, the managers aim to diversify across a broad range of regions and sectors.

Setanta Managed Fund

The Setanta Managed Fund is a multi-asset fund investing in stocks, bonds, property, commodities, and cash-type investments. The fund will hold between 50% and 80% of its assets in stocks, with the rest made up of bonds, property, commodities (for example oil, gas and so on) and cash-type investments. The aim of the fund is to secure long-term growth on the amount invested.

Setanta Income Opportunities Fund

The Setanta Income Opportunities Fund is a multi-asset fund that aims to deliver returns from income and capital, with the aim of doing better than inflation. The main asset class in the fund is expected to be stocks which display good value, generate a high and sustainable dividend yield, and have a strong balance sheet. The fund can invest in income-bearing asset classes such as bonds, property, cash and financial instruments, in particular covered options. Covered options are a derivative strategy employed by Setanta to raise extra income for the fund.

Setanta Balanced Dividend Fund

The Setanta Balanced Dividend Fund is an actively managed balanced fund which invests approximately two thirds in stocks and one third in fixed-interest securities. The stocks part of the fund is an actively managed portfolio of global high-yield stocks as held in the Setanta Equity Dividend Fund. The fixed interest part of the fund invests mainly in European government bonds.

Information correct at October 2022