Dermot Gaskin, Director - Brokerage

Dermot Gaskin

Tuesday, 7th December 2021

New password reset feature

You told us that making it easier to reset your password was important to you. Based on that feedback, you can now reset your password at any time, without having to call us.
Patrick OShea

Patrick O'Shea

Wednesday, 17th November 2021

ROS tax deadline extension

Revenue has announced that the ROS tax deadline is to be extended to 5pm this Friday 19th November.
Peter Rice

Peter Rice

Thursday, 28th October 2021

Why corporate investments make sense

Against a backdrop of negative deposit rates, rising inflation and the prospect of continued low interest rates for the foreseeable future, the real returns companies can get from holding cash may be negative.
Richard Lavelle

Richard Lavelle

Tuesday, 12th October 2021

UK Property Fund closure

A decision has been made to wind down and close the UK Property Fund to new and existing investors. It will be closed in a way that ensures fair treatment to all investors.
kenny mellor

Kenny Mellor

Tuesday, 28th September 2021

Making pension transfers easier

The Pension Transfer Pathfinder shows the transfer options available for each type of pension, guiding you through the requirements for the transfer.
Patrick OShea

Patrick O'Shea

Tuesday, 3rd August 2021

Breaking news on the impact of IORPS II on pension schemes

Kate Connor

Kate Connor

Friday, 30th July 2021

The challenges your clients face and how Irish Life can help

Michael Hayes

Michael Hayes

Friday, 30th July 2021

MAPS is 8

Kate Connor

Kate Connor

Friday, 30th July 2021

As they turn 40, what advice do we give millennials?

Colin Aylward

Colin Aylward

Thursday, 29th July 2021

New AML requirements for company-proposed business

Kate Connor

Kate Connor

Friday, 14th May 2021

Even easier! New, complete end to end online protection applications

kenny mellor

Kenny Mellor

Tuesday, 30th March 2021

Change to payments from A(M)RFs from Friday 26th March

Change to payments from A(M)RFs from Friday 26th March