Tuesday, 1st March 2022

Markets update: Russia-Ukraine conflict

We are all saddened by the shocking events unfolding in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and we all desperately hope for peace.

ILIM CIO Anthony MacGuinness shares ILIM's perspectives on the latest market developments and the actions it is taking to manage risk across its funds and deliver on long-term objectives.
Michael Hayes

Michael Hayes

Tuesday, 1st March 2022

ILIM market update webinar on Russia-Ukraine

We have recorded a market update webinar which examines the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on markets to date.
Tuesday, 1st March 2022

Market flash note on Russia-Ukraine

There was an escalation of events over the weekend and as always, our thoughts are first and foremost with those in the Ukraine or with family there. Key updates include
Approximately 70% of Russian banks cut from SWIFT system but crucially carves out energy sector so payments can be made for gas/oil supplies from Russia
Thursday, 24th February 2022

Market flash note on Russia/Ukraine crisis

Markets have responded negatively to the news that Russia has launched a military offensive against the Ukraine in the early hours of this morning. The escalation of events is greater in scale and intensity than had been expected by most commentators and not expected by markets.
Mattie Rice

Mattie Rice

Wednesday, 23rd February 2022

Amundi Your Planet, Your Future survey

Amundi has published its first annual report looking at the attitudes of the Irish population towards the environment, the social impact of business behaviour, and best practice in the company boardroom.
Helen Huijsdens

Helen Huijsdens

Monday, 21st February 2022

Are you writing plans in trust?

We have updated our trust forms and produced a guidance document.
Brendan Moran

Brendan Moran

Thursday, 27th January 2022

Setanta Q4 2021 investment fund newsletters

The latest Setanta quarterly investment updates with fourth quarter fund commentaries.
Patrick OShea

Patrick O'Shea

Friday, 14th January 2022

Further extension to Revenue concession on personal pension and PRSA policyholders over age 75

Due to Covid restrictions, Revenue gave a concession on personal pensions and PRSAs for policyholders reaching age 75. This concession has been extended to 31st January 2022.
Tuesday, 21st December 2021

ILIM's investment outlook 2022

ILIM's investment outlook for 2022 is now available.
In this year’s outlook, ILIM tackles the central investment themes that define the future path for markets and are critical in determining how to position portfolios for the cycle ahead.
Dermot Gaskin, Director - Brokerage

Dermot Gaskin

Tuesday, 7th December 2021

New password reset feature

You told us that making it easier to reset your password was important to you. Based on that feedback, you can now reset your password at any time, without having to call us.
Patrick OShea

Patrick O'Shea

Wednesday, 17th November 2021

ROS tax deadline extension

Revenue has announced that the ROS tax deadline is to be extended to 5pm this Friday 19th November.
Peter Rice

Peter Rice

Thursday, 28th October 2021

Why corporate investments make sense

Against a backdrop of negative deposit rates, rising inflation and the prospect of continued low interest rates for the foreseeable future, the real returns companies can get from holding cash may be negative.